+27 87 135 1100

Modular Eco-System

Put your FTTx business at the forefront

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Why Choose OpticomOne™?

OpticomOne™ - the company born from the market leaders of Open Access FTTx operations in South Africa

Software EcoSystem

Framework that provides a full in-a-box solution that can be further customized to your needs.

Turnkey Services

We provide a full turnkey solution for all role players including the FNO, ISP and End User.

Powerful Solution

A powerful combination of a technical platform and commercial solution to compliment your customer relations.

Put your FTTx business at the forefront

OpticomOne™ provides you the complete software solution that you need to operate and manage your fiber Network Operator and/or Internet Service Provider business.
The OpticomOne™ ecosystem is designed to be future-proof and encapsulates all your software needs in one easy-to-manage place and enables an almost zero touch solution that is intricate but easy to use.

The EcoSystem solution, as the description declares, is a full eco-software-environment that provides a full solution to manage, track and report on your day to day business. Giving you the freedom to actively pursue new business knowing your new and current customers are taken care of. OpticomOne™ has been trialed and tested in the industry with remarkable success for our clients.

Start-to-finish efficient service fulfilment for hybrid networks makes service turnaround faster and more profitable. The EcoSystem is the result of years of practical use, development and expertise, enabling automated service activation for virtually any technology. Coupled with API that can be integrated and implemented in just a few days.



Our system is bank integrated for auto payment processing, notification and auto statement updating and generation. Payments are auto processed via direct debit or credit card payment gateway. Integrated with Stripe and PayPal.


OpticomONE is a turnkey solution born from international market leaders of Open Access FTTx operations. Contact us to find out how our platform and commercial solution can decrease your operating costs and increase your uptake!


Contractor Portal
Manage scheduled technician jobs & inventory

Technician Portal
Integrated job cards, install management, & auto service provisioning

ISP Portal
End user management, auto migrations, first-line support & accounting

End-user Portal
Customer self-service, support, auto migrations, & billing records


Operations Support System and Business Support System - OSS/BSS.

Full Turnkey Solution

OpticomOne™ offers a complete turnkey software EcoSystem solution.

The solution includes signup, ordering, CRM, contract management, billing, Radius, provisioning, inventory management, ticketing, user portal as well as ISP portal.

Our system is vendor independant and we have the ability to integrate with multiple vendors of your choice, subject to the related vendor's available integration options.


As an optional add on or stand alone solution, OpticomOne™ can provide a white box solution to service providers.

The solution caters for all their layer 3 service delivery requirements that is fully automated and integrated with the FNO network. Each Service Provider manages the End Users on the networks and has its own log-in into OpticomOne™'s ISP Portal for active client management, billing, activations, migrations as well as first line trouble shooting.

This functionality is extremely valuable to Internet Service Providers that otherwise experience the Communication Operator's network as a "black hole" without real transparency or unsable functionality. This service provides all the technical and commercial interfaces for an ISP in a white box deplayment so that all they need to focus on is their sales role and customer relationship management.


It is important to note that not all functionality and modules are required by all operators and thus we provide a modular solution.

Service Delivery Portal (SDP)

The solution entails the supply of searchable coverage maps that loads fiber network provider layers and dynamically populates service providers and their related service offerings for end users to choose from.

ISP Portal

The ISP Portal not only provides an easy to use interface to place an order but simple to understand solution to self manage their customers on your network including order placement, service migrations, suspensions, cancellations as well as report and invoice management.

Digital contracts

The ability to present end customers with immediate online contracts for signature making the process easier and reducing the time for customer service approvals.

Installation scheduling

The custom or automated scheduling functionality provides a quick turnaround with schedule management and contractor installation allocation.

Contractors portal

The system extension into the easy to use contractors portal enables them to efficiently view work orders, manage your stock and assign work to their own technicians.

Technician portal

The easy to use portal assists the contractors technicians to quickly view their tasks for completion including but not limited to trench work and reinstatement, device installation, stock allocation and service provisioning.

Task management

The system provides a simple method of adjusting and managing tasks for both subcontractors and technicians with a service log of all task activities.

Auto provisioning

We have integrated with Calix to enable auto provisioning for layer 2 services, providing you with the ability to quickly and efficiently get services up and running on large scale. Provisioning happens at the click of a button! We have the ability to integrate with multiple vendors of your choice, subject to the related vendor’s available integration options.


The ecosystem includes a radius system fully integrated with auto provisioning enabling you to provide and manage layer 3 services more efficiently with the zero to limited touch approach.

Billing and invoicing

The billing module allows for a zero touch billing and invoicing solution. Auto calculating service fees, pro rata amounts and accounting ledgers. Both invoices and statements are sent automatically once a month to your end users.

Banking integration

With the integration with major banking institutes we are able to update billing and invoicing records automatically when debit orders and manual payments occur.

Service management

The services module enables to you to efficiently manage product and service charges and offerings.

Stock and inventory management

The ecosystem provides the facility to manage your stock and inventory whilst allowing you to keep track of all movements and essentially manages your asset register, from nodes and backhaul to customer endpoints.

End user portal

As an extension we offer a self service end user customer portal where they may order, view and change services directly with a high degree of automation and minimal manual intervention. View invoices as well as log and manage support cases.

Leads management

The leads management module is an efficient way of capturing and managing leads with the ability to convert those leads into later sales or sales from pre-orders on network builds.

Custom reports and dashboards

You are able to create and manage custom reports with the simple, yet complex reports module. While you may not be able to create custom reporting dashboards we do provide this service on ad-hoc and as per your specific requirements.

Address database management

The ability to properly track installation and customer addresses is extremely important for the successful management of both customers and assets. The address module provides exactly that.

Wireless network management

The module manages low cost and fixed public wireless networks with fully integrated voucher based and payment gateway options linked with our billing solution.

Automated sales quotations

The quotation module delivers a easy method of generating custom quotations or automated generation based on customer input, whilst automatically sending such quotations for online acceptance which in turn auto updates your sales docket statuses.

Digital contracts and signatures

Our partnership and integrated solution with Docusign makes the online signup process super simple and fast, by providing the end customer a service contract immediately for their digital signature in a format that is acceptable to the banking industry.

Project management

Although the aim of our project management module is not to fully replace existing project management tools it can easy be converted to custom manage your projects from start to finish. The module is has been integrated with major tools such as Quickbase and Smartsheets to auto update certain processes for both a calculated and summarized view and further automating the system by automatically adding infrastructure for online orders when the build reaches a ‘live’ status.

KPI management

Track and manage key performance indicators to ensure targets and milestones are met by your staff and contractors ensuring a thriving and successful business.


The availability of API allows service providers the ability to integrate with the ecosystem in order to self manage their customers on your network.

Request a demo

Complete your details and a representative will contact you to schedule a full demonstration of our EcoSystem.



The OpticomOne CaaS offering

OpticomOne™ CaaS offering provides an end-to-end, SLA-backed, solution for the management of customers’ core network components including, inter alia, routers, switches, BNGs, IPTransit, peering and CGNAT across all three major Teraco facilities in South Africa. Besides alleviating the operational burden of core network management, our customers are not required to outlay capital into costly network infrastructure.


The OpticomOne™ CaaS solution provides the following benefits:

i. Critical network upgrades will be implemented which will maintain the integrity, quality, reliability, and resilience of the customer's network.

ii. The customer will avoid the capital expenditure burden.

iii. The customer will be freed from the burden of daily core network operations.

iv. The customer will benefit from the backing of a fully-fledged, well-resourced and highly experienced technical team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions we regularly receive from our potential customers.


Need to get in touch? Here is our contact information.